An intensive culinary program that is based on classic international cuisine that incorporates all the basic and advanced skills and knowledge needed for professional food production.

Culinary Cooking Classes,
If you are passionate about cooking, ready to boost your confidence in the kitchen, or thinking about a career as a professional chef, we have the perfect culinary cooking class series.
Our Six-month Professional Master Chef Certificate Program will teach you all you need to know to succeed in today’s restaurant environment. This French-based system is a comprehensive cooking program designed to teach individual modules that build from Knife Skills to Sauces, to Vegetables, to full Meals.
Recipe Development and Costing are key components of this program. We offer career guidance for those who are ready to embrace their passion and pursue a life in the culinary arts.
Many of our students are cooking professionally in cafes and restaurants, as caterers and as personal chefs, or own their businesses.
Others have found culinary confidence in their private kitchens cooking for family and loved ones, hosting dinner parties, and creating wonderful meals.
Our classes encompass current cooking techniques and original recipes to rival the finest dining establishments and culinary publications so that your meals and desserts are timeless and treasured.